Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Life Planner {Personal}

So I got this totally awesome Life Planner for my personal organization.  Becasue let's face it..I'm completly lost if I don't write every little thing down!  I tried to use my "smart" phone and it and I failed miserably at it.  I need to write it down and and be able to just flip it open and do a at a glance look at my month.  The great thing is this has the "at a glance" month and then a detail break down of each day too!  You can personalize the cover to how you want which was a total plus for me!  Yes it is a bit expensive but really what wouldn't I pay to not run around like a lost chicken with its head cut off!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Give Thanks

November is a month of Thanks!  So I will be doing a new thing I am Thankful for everyday until Dec 1st!

1)  I am thankful for my wonderful Husband!  He is a truly amazing man! 
2) Today I am thankful for all trials I go through because without them I wouldn't appreciate all the GREAT (no matter how small) that is in my life!  
3) I am thankful for my healthy beautiful children! They may test every fiber of my being on a daily basis but a single hug makes my whole world!
4) I am thankful for hair that grows..I know this is silly but still..I am. I miss my long hair. 
5) I am thankful for our family. They help us out so much in so many ways. We wouldn't be where we are today with out them! 
6) I am Thankful for a merciful God! Through you anything is possible! 
7) I am thankful for my friends (this includes you Jillian Webster) They make me laugh no matter what. They keep me young at heart! :) And because they are awesome at being awesome! ;) Love you all! 
8) Today I am thankful for the health of my children! The Lord knows I wouldn't be able to handle if they got severely ill!  ( I watch a heart breaking story about a little girl how only lived 11 months..these always make me appreciate the wonderful gifts God grants us!) 
9) I am thankful for the changing of the seasons. I really am! The spring with its beautiful new flowers, summer with warm sun kissed skin and days on end spend outside, fall with all beautiful fall color and (fall fashions HEHE) and winter with fresh beautiful white blanket covering the trees is so beautiful! Not to mention all the great winter activities; skiing, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, and sledding! 
10) I am thankful for the silliness of my Kay-D bug. No matter how down I am she makes me laugh the hardest!! :)
11)I am thankful that Taylor has such a wonderful Teacher! He is so helpful through this tough time!  Bullying is never easy for a family..I say a little prayer to all the kids and families going through this!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Give Thanks

November is a month of Thanks!  So I will be doing a new thing I am Thankful for everyday until Dec 1st!

1)  I am thankful for my wonderful Husband!  He is a truly amazing man! 
2) Today I am thankful for all trials I go through because without them I wouldn't appreciate all the GREAT (no matter how small) that is in my life!  
3) I am thankful for my healthy beautiful children! They may test every fiber of my being on a daily basis but a single hug makes my whole world!
4) I am thankful for hair that grows..I know this is silly but still..I am. I miss my long hair. 
5) I am thankful for our family. They help us out so much in so many ways. We wouldn't be where we are today with out them! 
6) I am Thankful for a merciful God! Through you anything is possible! 
7) I am thankful for my friends (this includes you Jillian Webster) They make me laugh no matter what. They keep me young at heart! :) And because they are awesome at being awesome! ;) Love you all!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Give Thanks!

November is a month of Thanks!  So I will be doing a new thing I am Thankful for everyday until Dec 1st!

1)  I am thankful for my wonderful Husband!  He is a truly amazing man! 
2) Today I am thankful for all trials I go through because without them I wouldn't appreciate all the GREAT (no matter how small) that is in my life!  
3) I am thankful for my healthy beautiful children! They may test every fiber of my being on a daily basis but a single hug makes my whole world!
4) I am thankful for hair that grows..I know this is silly but still..I am. I miss my long hair. 
5) I am thankful for our family. They help us out so much in so many ways. We wouldn't be where we are today with out them! 
6) I am Thankful for a merciful God! Through you anything is possible!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Give Thanks

November is a month of Thanks!  So I will be doing a new thing I am Thankful for everyday until Dec 1st!

1) I am thankful for my wonderful Husband!  He is a truly amazing man! 
2)Today I am thankful for all trials I go through because without them I wouldn't appreciate all the          GREAT (no matter how small) that is in my life!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Give Thanks

November is a month of Thanks!  So I will be doing a new thing I am Thankful for everyday until Dec 1st!

1) I am thankful for my wonderful Husband!  He is a truly amazing man!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Anne {Maternity}

I had the pleasure of photographing Anne and her family a few weeks ago!  We went to her Uncles house and had permission from the neighbors to use there old dairy cow pastures and barn!  It was a dream place to photograph!  Loved everything about it!  Here is a peek at Anne and her BEAUTIFUL family.
Can you say Model!!  Seriously Handsome little man here!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Kitchen {Colorway}

So here is my thoughts on colors for the kitchen (trying to keep it some what nuetral then adding color with accent pieces and decor.  All of these colors are from Sherwin Williams.
Walls (Reliable White: Kyle like this name b/c of his business "Reliable Ski Haus")

Bottom Cupboards (Morning Fog)
So I am replacing the green "Leapfrog" with this (Amber Wave) This is my accent color, my hutch and barstools

Top cupboards (Downy, this will also have an antiquing glaze added)

hallway entrance and downstairs hall (Sea Salt)

Kitchen remodel {Part one}

So here is my before photos of our kitchen!  Don't mind the extra stuff....I was to lazy to clean up some of it LOL!  That and my stinker of a 15 month old thought I wasn't giving her enough attention :)  Stay tuned for the next steps.  I'll hopfully be doing a few in between blogs of this and then of course a final finished!  I'm really excited about this project!  :)


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Brooke {Fall Mini}

Brooke came for a mini fall session with her Mom and beautiful daughter!  The lighting was just so perfect that night!  I LOVE everything about this session.  I hope you do too!
Brooke and her daughter have the most beautiful BLUE eyes!!

Love this Grandma Daughter and Granddaughter

This is one of my FAVORITES!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Life has a way of getting away from us

So life seems to have a way of going on when we don't want it too.  Your little grow even though you don't want them to...friendships fade no matter how hard you try to make them grow.  Plans are made that never happen.  As I go to shoots, edit photos, clean the house, pick up Taylor from school, make dinners, be a Mom and Wife..Life continues on and days pass.  The one thing I want to do {Blog} never seems to happen even though I keep promising myself I will do it (I obviously don't).  Why is it most days there is not enough time to do everything and then (on rare occasions) the day never ends (yet I still don't seem to get anything done).  My only answer is organizations!! I run around like a chicken with my head cut off!  I need to organize my day to try and get as much done as possible.  This is my conclusion...lets see how it works and how long I will actually do this LOL!

On another note..we are going to start re-modeling our Kitchen!  A lot of DIY projects to be done with this.  I will be posting photos of the before soon and then the in the middle and obviously the end!  I will also post the DIY projects as we go too!  Here's to hoping I can keep up on the blogging and the organizing my days!  LOL


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fall Mini Session

Here is a quick sneak peek of a wonderful fall session I did with the Lovely Ms. B and her beautiful daughter!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Meet the Beautiful Sydney!  A big Congrats to Becky and Travis for this newborn beauty!  I am going to try and update this blog now that my wedding is done and that my besties wedding is done!  Lots of updating and photos to come!  I will also be sharing my wonderful Family photos that we had done for my beautiful daughter Kayden's aka Bug 1yr birthday and our wedding images.  Both sessions were done by wonderful photographer Tracy VanDerMeulen who did our family/1yr photos and our wedding images were taken by the wonder Byan and Mae!  Can't wait to get all those up to show off!  Lot of things going on in life that I hope to share with you all!  Thank you for you continued support and Love!


Monday, August 15, 2011


Wow..I'm realizing how undependable I am at blogging.  I try and tell myself that I am way to busy and its alright..I'll do a better job after all the marriage stuff is done (two weeks by the way!)  I really want to do a better job.  I LOVE OTHER BLOGS!  I love how people write, how the feeling comes off the screen and hit me!  I can not do this.  Writing has never been something I was good at, despite my best efforts.  But yet here I sit still trying to sound witty, engaging, loving, funny, sad, and profoundly happy in each different blog.  I go back and read them and think WOW..you really suck at this Heather.  Oh well...click, click, click...I just continue to type away.  Why? Because it makes me feel better.  I like writing things in this blog because I get to express my feelings...I don't really have anyone who reads these LOL!  So I can say whatever it is I want.  It's like having a diary, but I don't feel like a 12 year old doing this.  Which is silly because what are blogs anyway but glorified "public" diaries for anyone to see.  I wish I could make more if an impact though on people..write wonderful blogs that a bunch of people read and comment on.  Where I move people.  But that's selfish and kind of..of what the word I'm looking for..hmmm what did I tell you, creative writing + Heather = Fail LOL.  The word is right there just hidden in the fog of mind..my rusty steel trap of a mind ;)  Oh well you know what I mean, I hope.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The beauty of life

Meet Lilyana Marie Cain.  My first birth photos.  It was a C-section so I was able to photography the emotions of new Mom and Dad.  Hope you enjoy :)