Thursday, November 10, 2011

Give Thanks

November is a month of Thanks!  So I will be doing a new thing I am Thankful for everyday until Dec 1st!

1)  I am thankful for my wonderful Husband!  He is a truly amazing man! 
2) Today I am thankful for all trials I go through because without them I wouldn't appreciate all the GREAT (no matter how small) that is in my life!  
3) I am thankful for my healthy beautiful children! They may test every fiber of my being on a daily basis but a single hug makes my whole world!
4) I am thankful for hair that grows..I know this is silly but still..I am. I miss my long hair. 
5) I am thankful for our family. They help us out so much in so many ways. We wouldn't be where we are today with out them! 
6) I am Thankful for a merciful God! Through you anything is possible! 
7) I am thankful for my friends (this includes you Jillian Webster) They make me laugh no matter what. They keep me young at heart! :) And because they are awesome at being awesome! ;) Love you all! 
8) Today I am thankful for the health of my children! The Lord knows I wouldn't be able to handle if they got severely ill!  ( I watch a heart breaking story about a little girl how only lived 11 months..these always make me appreciate the wonderful gifts God grants us!) 
9) I am thankful for the changing of the seasons. I really am! The spring with its beautiful new flowers, summer with warm sun kissed skin and days on end spend outside, fall with all beautiful fall color and (fall fashions HEHE) and winter with fresh beautiful white blanket covering the trees is so beautiful! Not to mention all the great winter activities; skiing, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, and sledding! 
10) I am thankful for the silliness of my Kay-D bug. No matter how down I am she makes me laugh the hardest!! :)
11)I am thankful that Taylor has such a wonderful Teacher! He is so helpful through this tough time!  Bullying is never easy for a family..I say a little prayer to all the kids and families going through this!

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