Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Begginging!

Okay I decided that it was time that I created a blog for my photography business.  Facebook (oh the dreaded ever changing Facebook) was just not cutting it anymore.  I have to admit..I hate doing this.  I am not the best at "blogging" and it takes up so much time (which we all know is in short demand ALWAYS)  But to further my business here I am, pulling out my hair trying to figure out how to make this thing look good and figure out how all the bells and whistles work.  I feel I am failing miserably! Oh well as is everything else in life, I will learn as I go and hopefully make it look better and better as I learn the secrets behind this "blogging".  With that all being said.....WELCOME!  Any tips or trick that you may now of please share.

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