Friday, February 25, 2011

Chickedee | Personal

Just a few more of my little Bug-a-boo...Taylor was not into the having her photo taken.  Which I hope changes because Kyle and I get our engagment photos taken tomorrow and we are having a few done with the girls as well.  I will finally be in a photo with my girls.  It rarly happens because (1) I hate having my photo taken and   (2) I am always the one taking the photos.  I can't wait to have them done though.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Weekly Praise to my little ladies | Personal

So I would not be taking photos or pursuing my new career endeavor without my ladies (Kayden Gayle and Taylor Anne)  I first bought my camera because of Taylor...(I'll do my post on her later this week) but Kayden really inspired me to work on my photography and taking pictures of her has lead to taking photos of others!  So I am going to try and do a weekly post in honor of my baby ladies :)  Mostly it will have photos of them but sometimes I will be writing things they have taught me.  They teach me would think it was me who would teach them but they mostly teach me.  Patience is the biggest one LOL

This blue eyed girl who responds to Kay, Kay-D, Kay-D bug, Bug, Bug-a boo, and one not so known but between her and I Chickadee..she is my little birdie.  Mouth always open ready for food :)  The reason she has those chubby cheeks and a chubby rest of her.

Engagment | Shan and Jay

A quick peek at a session I did earlier for my best friends Shandra and Gerald.  It was a very very cold session and they both were such troopers through it.  We still have to finish it up indoors!  Can't wait till we finish this session up!  Shan and Jay have been together for 10 years! It really shows how great this couple is!   They recently became (officially) engaged on New Years (their anniversary).  I don't know anyone who is more in Love than these two.  Thank You so much you guys for giving me opportunity of photographing you guys!  I cant wait for your wedding!  I am going to cry my face off!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Personal: Kays workout

Kay found my headband and some how got it on her head.  Then proceeded to do some crazy moves.  She is growing up so fast.  Every day I watch her do new things, I have a love hate relationship with this growing up thing.  My oldest is 8 years old...I'm not ready for Kayden to get bigger!  Love my baby ladies so so much!

Yeah I know bad shot on my half but this is her favorite move right now.  Hopefully I will get a better one soon.  (she never does her cool stuff while I have my camera out)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Some Favorites

This being a new blog I will start by just posting a few of my favorite photos from past sessions and then in the future I will be post each session as a new post.  Hope you enjoy!

The Begginging!

Okay I decided that it was time that I created a blog for my photography business.  Facebook (oh the dreaded ever changing Facebook) was just not cutting it anymore.  I have to admit..I hate doing this.  I am not the best at "blogging" and it takes up so much time (which we all know is in short demand ALWAYS)  But to further my business here I am, pulling out my hair trying to figure out how to make this thing look good and figure out how all the bells and whistles work.  I feel I am failing miserably! Oh well as is everything else in life, I will learn as I go and hopefully make it look better and better as I learn the secrets behind this "blogging".  With that all being said.....WELCOME!  Any tips or trick that you may now of please share.