Monday, March 14, 2011


All the girls!

We had so much fun in Chicago for St. Patties this weekend (They celebrated the weekend before St Patrick day)  This picture pretty much sums up the weekend.  NON stop laughter!  I'll leave you with just a few more that I like.
My Bestie Shan (say CHEEZ)

How many Dutch girls does it take to open a wine bottle?


Downtown at night

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Ever wonder what happens to your photos behind the scene?  Well here is a before and after of my daughter Kay.  She is a little over done (I was playing with some new actions)...what is that?  What are actions?  Well when we edit your photos we use actions that we purchased (not cheap at all) or ones we create our selves from steps we do in Photoshop....its easier to show than tell apparently.
Aww isn't she just so cute! LOL...I may be a little biased.  We hope you all have a great weekend!  I know I will.  I will be in Chicago..who will be celebrating the oh so special St. Patty's Day!  Green River and Green beer!  Photos will hopefully be up next week!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Little Prince | Family session

Meet the Prince family.  They were one of the families who one a free session with me! Which was great because they were also friends of ours!  They were so great and fun to photograph.  Little G was so cute and handsome.  I was so happy when Mama Prince said she wanted to do outdoor photos (way to embrace our lovely Michigan weather!)  We were lucky that it wasn't to cold out.  I hope you enjoy this little peek at their session.  I'll post more of the session later on (its time for bed for me).  Thank You Prince family for letting me take these wonderful photos.  You are truly a wonderful family.